Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the best shampoo for oily hair? I see shampoo for normal, dry, but never for oily.?

Try lemon scented dish soap, seriously. It has a drying effect. Try it now then vote for me.What is the best shampoo for oily hair? I see shampoo for normal, dry, but never for oily.?
when you're washing it concentrate on your roots and not your ends. wash it a couple times then You can wash it only like 2 times a week thats all I do. You might want to think of getting highlights if your hair is really oily it does dry it out a little bit.

Oh yeah also if you wash your hair with tide laundry soap. Like the liquid then it works good. Only if you dont have color treated hair. I had this girl mess up my hair and I had to use tide to get the color out. Thats how I realized that its a very drying soap.What is the best shampoo for oily hair? I see shampoo for normal, dry, but never for oily.?
Actually, shampoo is shampoo. I don't go in for all the different labels. I have very oily hair. I shower in the morning and my hair does fine all day. If I lay down and take a nap....for whatever then like to mess up bad.
For oily hair the best thing is to wash your hair every day.

If you shower every day than just wash your hair at the same

time. Actually the best shampoo is any mild shampoo that

does not have conditioner in it. You don't need the expensive kind.

I have oily hair (short, bottle red-blond)), wash it every day.

especially in the summer. I use vinegar mixed with warm water

to rinse my hair. Gets all the grease and stuff from other hair

products (mousse, hairspray ets.) out and gives a great shine.

A hair conditioner is good when your hair feels a bit dry.

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